archived-videos How can I improve my timelapse?

The audiomix is not in balance: very soft music and loud sound effects and the music is boring.
With boring I mean: it lacks emotion, it lacks anticipation and tension and it lack a climax.

In the end you have 3 wide skyline views in a row: that is not 'a cool edit'.
Your transitions seem a bit slower than like in Watchtower of Turkey, which is clearly an inspiration for you.

I made this last year and I spent half a day to find the right music:

Watch it without sound first and then with sound to 'feel' the difference.
Yes, you did the cuttings good to the music. And yes, my music isn't the best either.
But yours neither in my opinion.

The most Timelapse Movies are coming with that epic dramatic music... I just wanted to be a bit different from that.

Yes, the end is destroyed because I didn't plan the whole thing... then I moved camera and did a 3 instead of 1 timelapse - I'll fix that soon.

Wow, thanks for that tip with the Watchtower! Its incredible!
FWIW, I did not just cut to the music. I edited, rearranged and mixed the music to fit the arc I wanted to have. And I planned all the shots (except 1) with the edit in mind. So I knew what dynamics the music needed to have: starting piano, going crescendo and again to a fortissomo climax and then espirando to accompany nightfall .

The best music. What is the best?
The budget didn't allow me to hire JunkieXL ;-)
I tried to find the best music possible within the constraints of time and budget. :p

No matter the genre of the music you'd like to use, try to find/create something that fits the changing dynamics of the timelapses. And then mix it with the sound effects in such a way they both feels less seperated.

You didn't see Watchtower yet?
In that case you've probably been inspired by others who have been inspired by it. The guy who made that now made an Apple add with those techniques.
Yes I did that on my own, making the scenes more hard and blue if he is on screen (cold)
And when she is on screen more warm and a bit brighter