archived-videos Horrors of War - MAKING SCENE 6


This is the first of a series of WEB DOCS on the making of Horrors of War, my first feature film, co-directed by John Whitney, and produced by Phil Garrett and Sean Reid.

SCENE 6 was a something that went from 1 line to 2 pages and I thought people might dig seeing how this process worked. I hope you like it.

- Ross
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This was really cool Ross. Am I correct that Phil had hair in those shots?

I was in a split second of this... Look really closely in the plane set section- when you see the female in the black tee shirt (with the Joker on it) you've found me. :)

Can't wait to see the other sections of the 'making of' stuff. Ah, the memories. ;)
I'm going to start unleashing the INDIE FILM LOW BUDGET TIPS from Horrors of War tomorrow. This one (Scene 6) is a bit more specific to the film and less general. We have some very baisc, generalized videos coming as a seperate section of the site & videos.

Expect to see more Christine Chapman few sure... Both she & our first A.D. wound up a lot in our B-Roll for peeps who didn't want to be on camera. YES - Phil's hair has grown back. It's too long for him to shave off now so it's fairly common to see him with peach fuzz.
awesome! Thanks for sharing it! Where can I find the unleashing of the INDIE FILM LOW BUDGET TIPS from Horrors of War that you's putting out today?
Poke said:
Good stuff PJR. So you guys got this thing rolling down hill and picking up steam now? Good looking web doc.


Yup. We're finishing the post sound/music & doing the online next week.
