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High School Feature Film - A Nation Divided

Hello, all. I've joined to learn more about film-making (I'm only seventeen) and share with you all my first film.

The film is called "A Nation Divided," and it started out as an AP US history project, but eventually ended up a film an hour in length with forty cast and crew members. I'd love it if you checked it out and shared if at all possible, and follow me on the web for updates and such.

Teaser Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVURPcHuohA

Website: http://cloudlessfilms.moonfruit.com/#

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nationdividedmovie

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cloudlessfilms

Wordpress: http://cloudlesswords.wordpress.com/

I'm also new to the world of festivals. What do you think my chances are of getting into a local festival or two? The film was very low-budget and unprofessional, but tell me how you think it turned out.

Thank you.
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