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Indie movie makers,

Hello, I'm selling a unit that can display your work on a big screen and get
you noticed by the public or a private audience your choice.
The unit is a barcovision 701s high end video projector that kicks out about 1100 lums of light.
It is a better unit than the normal LCD ones because it gives truer color
saturation and better blacks.
Any size screen you can display it on from a 4 foot screen to about the size of the ones you see in the theaters which are about 24 x 12.
I'm asking $2000. obo the only thing you'll need to buy is a RGB wire
and a S-VHS wire adapter which both sell for about $15 and a remote control (optional) that can be purchased at Radio shack for under $15.
I'll even throw in the manual which can also be downloaded from the
Barcovision web site.
So if you're interested please contact me Director1 and I'll send pictures.
This is how I display my work to an audience and they love worth the money invested I have three of them left.
Also visit my web site which is being revised but is still up.
Home of I.M.M.A. (Independent Movie Makers Alliance) Pennsylvania.
Which will be showcasing local talented movie makers works within the
Tri-state area this coming August so get your work in now.
Info available on this site under Festivals menu.