..my Name is Matthias Olof Eich, i´m a indie-director from germany.
The last years i didn´t leave my backyard (germany) and now i think it´s time to
start posting in some international forums and learn from filmmakers all over the
World.... so i found indietalk.com.
OK.. what can i tell about me:
Well i never visited a filmschool or something similar. I´m a carpenter, and started my
career in the film business building Sets and Props for television and some theaters.
Then in the late 90´ i got the chance to be part of the European marketing for the
Star Wars Prequels Episode I.-III. I had one of the biggest 1:1 scale Star Wars Props
Exhibitions and wearable Costumes in Europe that time. That was a lot of fun.
When the hype was over i sold my hole Exhibition to a private Star Wars collector
and used the money to build up our film company. We started our business shooting
music-clips and commercials for some local company's and musicians. In this years i
wrote a lot of scripts and we always tried to get some producers to join us and allow
us to make a motion picture. But it failed always on the same reasons.
None of theme believed we could make a motion picture alone, making short movies,
videoclips and commercials are totally different from making a movie for the big screen.
Basically they were afraid losing there money on us. So we thought the only way to
show theme there wrong was to make and finish a movie alone. Sounds simple and
that's what we did.
wow..that was a lot...my fingers and brain hurts.. i hope my english is readable
The last years i didn´t leave my backyard (germany) and now i think it´s time to
start posting in some international forums and learn from filmmakers all over the
World.... so i found indietalk.com.

OK.. what can i tell about me:
Well i never visited a filmschool or something similar. I´m a carpenter, and started my
career in the film business building Sets and Props for television and some theaters.
Then in the late 90´ i got the chance to be part of the European marketing for the
Star Wars Prequels Episode I.-III. I had one of the biggest 1:1 scale Star Wars Props
Exhibitions and wearable Costumes in Europe that time. That was a lot of fun.
When the hype was over i sold my hole Exhibition to a private Star Wars collector
and used the money to build up our film company. We started our business shooting
music-clips and commercials for some local company's and musicians. In this years i
wrote a lot of scripts and we always tried to get some producers to join us and allow
us to make a motion picture. But it failed always on the same reasons.
None of theme believed we could make a motion picture alone, making short movies,
videoclips and commercials are totally different from making a movie for the big screen.
Basically they were afraid losing there money on us. So we thought the only way to
show theme there wrong was to make and finish a movie alone. Sounds simple and
that's what we did.
wow..that was a lot...my fingers and brain hurts.. i hope my english is readable
