Hi Hi !

Hey I'm Jacqueline, I'm new here. ( I FINALLY got a chance to write an introduction of myself.)
I like to be called Jak, just incase, anyone mis-pronouce my name. Anyways, I've been taking pictures and filming random things (with VERY old cameras) since I was little. And I watched so many movies and wished I could doing something like that one day. So I figured I wanna be a director and create something of my own.

So I've been writing non-stop, trying to create the perfect story. I also do alittle make-up special fx. And... yeah. I haven't filmed anything yet. I'm still trying to save up to buy the perfect camera, until then.. I will still continue to write stories. But, yeah HELLO everyone! ! :)
Hello Jak :cool:

That's awesome that you want to get into filmmaking. It sounds like you are really motivated to become a good filmmaker. I like makeup SFX as well. Tom Savini and Rob Bottin were the people that got me interested in film in the first place.

Also, it sounds like you are trying to save up for a "perfect" camera. Considering where you are at, I recommend the Canon T3i, the Nikon D3200, the upcoming Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera and the Panasonic GH2 and GH3. Tip: You can save money by getting your camera used and body only. Then you can buy a better lens instead of the less impressive kit lens.

Good luck! I hope to see some of your work in the future!

Canon T3i:

Nikon D3200:

Panansonic GH2 and GH3:

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera:
Thank you so much for the input, I was aiming to buy the Canon T3i, but I recently heard that the Panasonic GH2 is good and sometimes bad. But comparing both of the cameras which one do you think is better for a beginner?
Thanks for the link. I already bought my software, since it was on sale. I think I got lucky that day. :)
The only thing I have to buy is my camera, audio gear, & lights. I think I'm going to go to buy lights at a Hardware store. To save money instead of spending a lot on "Professinal" lights. Even though there just fancy looking lights. Lol :D