Hey Newbs - Open Your Fucking Ears!

If you're a first-time filmmaker, there is a good chance that you are biased towards visuals. If you're reading this post, you've probably already done a bunch of research into the basics of cinematography. I'd be willing to bet you've even watched a few youtube tutorials for After Effects and have maybe put them to use.

Have you spent any time researching the basics of sound recording?

In my experience, most budding filmmakers come from a visual mind-set first. In screenwriting, we espouse the old addage to "show, don't tell". How often do we consider the fact that we can show with audio?

I've only taken a couple of filmmaking classes in college. Both of them leaned very heavily towards visuals. In both classes, I was literally taught not to worry about audio because we could worry about that later.

In this respect, I'm convinced now more than ever that the entire culture of indie filmmaking needs to change. Most of us may come from visually-minded places, but we need to focus on learning the thing that doesn't come naturally to us. From the very beginning. Don't wait until later to learn the basics of audio. Learn them now, while you're also learning the basics of video. They need to go hand-in-hand, like peanut butter and jelly.

I was taught wrong. I was taught visuals first, with audio as an after-thought. I'm now trying to unlearn what I learned. If you're a newb, you have the opportunity to blaze new trails. Be bold. Use all of the tools available to you.