Hey guys.

Hey i am a film student in EICAR Paris. I have studied Radio/tv/film back in my hometown in Lebanon and got a BA and now i am going for another BA.

I am in my final year and i am shooting my own short film in july. I was hoping to spread the word around forums and try to get some funding through my indiegogo campaign.

The story is about the suicide of a girl who has been living under a violent father. The story is not based on the real events but rather on the emoitions that lead laura to comit suicide as we follow her through the last 5 min of her life as we flash with her into the memories that lead her here.

I will be shooting in 16 mm. Why do i require funding? I am renting a old mansion outside of paris at it has all the locations i need.
I need to rent prime lenses 6 of them (we all know they dont come cheap)
Catering for a crew of 25 people.
Production design

Im sure you all know how much a short film can require.
I do have some money aside for the film but unfortunatly its not enough for me to be able to satisfy my crew's need or mine.

Link: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/my-name-is-laura/x/2499184

I really hope you would be able to help me. Thank you very much. If anyone has any questions please feel free to message me.