According to production companies , 99 .99 % of writers deserve it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not my story but , just made it.
Hooker hired , by a guy .
TAKES HER TO BALCONY , CHAMPAGNE to keep then both company .
hooker ' so , you wanna do it here? '
guy - ' nope .......... i mean not now'
guy - ' tell me something about yourself ' , sips a bottle.
hooker - blah blah , her income and all .
guy - ' I'm not accountant or from tax department to be interested in your earning ' about your self ...... your life .......your family ..........'
hooker felt by his caring words
hooker-important blah blah about her personal family life and family members, who don't know she earns by being a bitch hooker in this city and sends money .
guy- 'And you got friends here....?'
hooker- 'yup ' ....blah blah , names and their relationship with her , her close friend katty......blah blah ...'
hooker starts have feel great for him , for being so caring..........
guy smiles .........
GUY - ' you wanna know about me ..........'
hooker - 'ya , your are an interesting guy ...........Why can't I ask about you ...'
guy sips , shook head
Guy- ' ya , you can . OK , I am a story / script /screen writer , i look for story notes in and around the people live know ............blah blah..........i had idea about stripper life story ,Then I saw you ............. and I just wanted to know.................'
Hooker keeps looking at him ........... and he keeps doing blah blah about his work ...................
guy- hey , tell me something about your friend life , kara....kara right ?'
hooker low voice
Hooker- 'you mean katty?'
guy - ' yep , katty katty , ya about katty ...........How is she as person with you ......... i mean you know what i wanna know........'
Tries to make a come back voice but fails,
hooker - about katy blah blah
and laughs at her situation .
After while leaving ,
Guy - ' Hey , that was nice time spending with you , don't know how much perfect bitch you are.......
But, certainly nice person .......'
Hooker keeps slowly shooking head ,
Hooker - ' thank you '
Guy - ' here is money ............'
hands over the money
Now here is the end ..................
1>Should she take money and leave .............
hooker- ' well ,we bitches have got valentine discount for one lucky gentleman customer ....
congrats it's you for me .............'
Kisses him ........
hooker -' .....i had a nice time too , atleast for few seconds ...............'
hooker - ' good luck with the story ............. bye ...........'
hooker leaves , guy stays behind looking confused........
hooker- ' well ,we hookers have got valentine discount for one lucky gentleman customer ....
congrats it's you for me .............'
Kisses him ........
hooker -' .....i had a nice time too , atleast for few seconds ...............'
hooker - ' good luck with the story ............. bye ...........'
hooker leaves , guy stays behind looking confused........
Guy meets her next day ,
Hooker surprised. ..............
lies , even before he says something.........
Hooker - ' Nope, i can't i'm booked , wanna take katty ......... there she is ..............'
Guy-' well , I didn't know that you are such a sexy bitch and you get booked in advance '
Guy-' I'm writing a new story now , not about a bitch or stripper ,
it's about a guy dating a hooker...............Do you wanna help me in this...'
Guy kisses her ...............
guy-' I don't think i ' m gonna pay for this...............but, I liked it!!'
Guy and hooker walk together................
Hooker - ' so , what kind of guy would like to date a hooker......'
guy - ' Ya , good question ,.....................hooker , she not just a hooker , she is a bitch hooker..........
she that beautiful , that she even gets booked weeks/months before...........'
both laugh................