Hey everyone!! whats going on..

whats up people!! my name is Joey
i am a student at indiana university, studying telecom, and started a film club here. right now its just a small group of us, until i ensure that we have everything neccesary to make this a successful venture. I am going to be presenting next week in front of a commitee, to try to get funding for some upcoming productions. I wanted to ask you guys what you think about these three cameras.. because i need to figure out what bad boy i want to get so i can actually get the money for it... all three cameras to me seem great, and i like certain specific functions that they have, for instance, the electric/manual n/d stabilizer, or the optical stablization feture on H1a, but anyways, these three cameras are what i am looking at.. and keep in mind we intend to shoot everything from shorts , documentaries, music videos, to features.. all of which are going to be submitted to competitions... and we also are going to need money for lighting kits, tripods, mics, tracks... So realistically, it would be better to save some money on a camera, if its still bad ass, to have more money for the other equipment as well..
these are the three cameras i am looking at :
Sony HVR-Z1U
Canon XL-H1a

HVR-Z7U <- more prciey obviosuly..

and have you guys heard of sonic cameras? they have INSANE prices on new cameras.. im wondering if there is some kind of catch or something...

thanks !

Don't trust any INSANE prices, lots of grey market goods or "remove all accessories and just sell camera" deals.