Hey! ad2478! How are things where you are?

I am thankful for your concern. Well The earthquakes came in the province of Balochistan (i am in Punjab). Conditions are very bad. People over there havent got any AID. Our corrupt government is taking aid from the world and putting it in their accounts. And people are still sufferinf. The nation is suggesting that everyone who is giving aid to PAKISTAN should give aid in form of food, tents, etc but no CASH..... but nearly every one is giving cash to PAKISTAN which is not helping the poor people. I wish the world can use their mind that our government is corrupt and will digest all the AID so it is better to send TENTS, FOOD etc.

Thanks again for your concern.

Dear friend you dont know the bloody pakistani rulers. They are the most horrible creatures on earth. Even the unseen evils, undead people or BUSH or a beast is a child in front of our rulers. I hate the complete system of Pakistan.