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Help make THE indie filmmaker's app

Hey there,
For the past weeks I've been thinking about making an app for indie filmmakers like myself, and/or screenwriting,
and I want your help! What do we need, that is not out there yet? Throw me some suggestions :)

I discovered during my last shoot that I was bringing as insane amount of paper around on set to keep things scheduled and constantly moving forward. Sometimes you lose a page, the schedule isn't right anymore etc. etc, which is impossible to change right there and then- so why not make an app for this: a place to store all documents, structured and clean. Wire them up to dropbox and google drive, give them support for .fdx files (maybe), equpment profiles for each scene/day of shooting etc. Simply put: an app for indie folks like ourselves :)

However, I thought I'd let you guys help out- since at this point it's either going to be a free app, or at the most $0,99 (depending on the work). It's solely made to be used, not as profit.

I have a lot of design experience, which you can have a look at here: http://bit.ly/WiuJEl
I also make movies non-stop, which you can have a look at here: www.youtube.com/JARANDandJENS

Currently, my inspirational sources are these apps: Elevatr, mind node, fdx reader and producer.

Give me your thoughts on this! :)
Ok, the question you failed to anticipate:

What do you need help with?

Are you looking for ideas on what to do? What to include, how to do it, what's missing out there etc?
Ok, the question you failed to anticipate:

What do you need help with?

Are you looking for ideas on what to do? What to include, how to do it, what's missing out there etc?

Oh sorry, thought I got that across.

Im curious to what would be the "perfect" app for indie filmmakers :) What do you think an app like that needs?
Ok, I'm slanted towards the organizational side of things, so you may want to get another perspective on this as well.

With independent filming, I've found that cross department communication is sometimes hard when there are never enough people to do the tasks you need. It's at this time, coordination and automation is very important.

I'd appreciate a combined breakdown and communication management system that can change depending on what each person needs. I considered writing a web application for something like this a little while back, but I lack the skills to do the front end on ipad/phone/android and so on. The problem I found is each department and people need different information to make their job more efficient each day, and everyone has their own preferences, which makes this task of writing the software even harder.

I know I'm not explaining it very well, just ranting out loud. So here is what I'd like within the software:

Heaps of options within a breakdown for each department. With the typical fields for each piece (scenes, but can be broken down even further into smaller pieces and tracked efficiently). Fields can include (but not limited to) Actors required, crew, needed, props, set design notes, set decorator notes, wardrobe, extras, script exerpt, directors notes, DOP/Camera/lighting notes, storyboard picture, technical storyboard picture, camera equipment needed, grip equipment needed and so on.

Each crew/cast member is able to get their call sheet with whatever information they feel they need to make their job smoother without needing to carry heaps of paperwork.

On top of that, something that somewhat assists in the break down (to do a rough breakdown order) and then let you modify.

Also, something that while you're shooting that can help you keep track of what's completed, what needs to be thrown back into the schedule (missed scenes etc). Reduces the need for a script supervisor.

Contact system so the appropriate people are kept up to date with what's happening for their job.

Was this what you were after?

Oooh.... what else. This was just off the top of my head. Need me to continue? Questions?
Perfect, exactly what I needed!
Also partly what I had in mind: if each department have their own preferences and note them into their sheet- the other departments will know what, say, the camera department is doing, and can then structure a simple shooting schedule (as well as edit) as they go. I'd that made any sense?
Come with more suggestions if you have any :)