HELP ! GL2 and Anamorphic lense !

Hey everyone, It's my first time making a movie. I have a GL2 and I'm shooting in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Do I need to shoot with an anamorphic lense if I plan on show-casing the movie in a theatre ????
Greetings desertwind

This really depends on what sort of quality you want to pull out of the camera. For showcasing in a theater you will most likely want to use an adapter as you won't loose resolution.

In fact I think the GL2 has an electronic anamorphic mode, yes? That could be an option if you don't want to use an adapter for monetary or creative reasons. In fact using both an adapter and the electronic mode, together, will give you an approximate 2.35:1 ratio - the ratio most DVDs are authored in.
Are you showing it in a theatre, or are you hoping to get/getting a distribution deal? Because for the second option, you might want to look at a higher-end camera than the GL2...
Anamorphic Lense !

Thanks for the advice. Sorry for being away for two weeks. I got back in town and will begin work soon. Actually, I am not looking for a distributor. We're planning on shooting a trailer and make press kits to do fund raising. Once we have seed money, we'll begin shooting the feature sometime in October. Since I was being told several things, I thought to put my question out there and get advice from indie film makers.