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Help Funding A Full Feature Film!

Hey guys. My name is Justin, I am going to be the producer of an upcoming horror movie that will be filmed on location in the deep woods of West Virginia. We are in the pre production stage right now and we are trying to get the film funded at the moment. Our fan base is growing pretty quickly with over 1500 FB fans in under a week. Along with a vastly populating Twitter page.

We need just a couple of things to get the ball rolling on the project. These things include costume design, better lighting, sound equipment, and a new slider because the old one is pretty banged up due to an accident.

We are only asking for 4500 for right now. The rest we have covered, the community we live is 100% backing us and we love the support here.

If you would be interested in backing the project you can PM me on here or you can go here and pledge whatever you would feel comfortable with.

Seriously any tiny bit helps. Thanks so much guys! It truly means a lot if we can get some support from this site as well.

You're asking other filmmakers for funding? LOL!

Sorry, its not gonna happen.

Open your phone book to "Dentists" and start hitting them up one-by-one until you get a bite. Alcohol helps. Ask for the money the first meeting or you'll NEVER get it.

Good luck!
Thats what the post said?
I was at least seeing if someone would be interested.

And I may actually try the dentist thing, sound like a legit plan.
And I may actually try the dentist thing, sound like a legit plan.

Dentists don't have the glamorous lifestyles of many with $$$ so if you can sell one "you'll be in the Hollywood movie business" angle, you might get a bite. There are other low-key targets than just dentists, too.

Good luck!
You're asking other filmmakers for funding? LOL!

Sorry, its not gonna happen.

Open your phone book to "Dentists" and start hitting them up one-by-one until you get a bite. Alcohol helps. Ask for the money the first meeting or you'll NEVER get it.

Good luck!

Our Kickstarter campaign got at least 1200-1500 from fellow filmmakers, a lot of whom I actually had never talked to directly before. A few of them were over 100, and one guy lifted his pledge from 200 - 400 I believe in the last days of our campaign.

Maybe not the entire sum, but he stands as much a chance as any to have other filmmakers help him out. Knocking him down before he gets a chance is kinda strange.
Any tips on how you got 1,200 facebook likes and 17,000 twitter followers in a matter of days?

Don't tell me you actually just have that many friends?

What is your previous experience in film? Your kickstarter/facebook/twitter are kind of vague and I'm genuinely curious :)
This will be interesting to see if "17,000 twitter followers" and 1,300+ FB likes actually has any impact on kickstarter pledges.

I hope you get your funding b/c that would mean I'm wrong. Facebook and Twitter don't do much in my opinion and I want to be wrong!

Good, strong campaign pitch. Looks like a fun project!! Good luck!
There are companies you can pay to get you FB and Twitter followers en masse. I know of an actor that did it and he got a good 17K followers in a week, but none of them have any idea who he is and most are dummy accounts.

Not saying that Havey did this, just throwing that info out there.
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There are companies you can pay to get you FB and Twitter followers en masse. I know of an actor that did it and he got a good 17K followers in a week, but none of them have any idea who he is and most are dummy accounts.

Not saying that Havey did this, just throwing that info out there.

I was actually wondering if that was possible. Thanks for the info!
I was actually wondering if that was possible. Thanks for the info!

No prob

This will be interesting to see if "17,000 twitter followers" and 1,300+ FB likes actually has any impact on kickstarter pledges.

I hope you get your funding b/c that would mean I'm wrong. Facebook and Twitter don't do much in my opinion and I want to be wrong!

Good, strong campaign pitch. Looks like a fun project!! Good luck!

The harsh reality is that they wont' do much if you don't have anything to really push (worth pushing), or you're basically nobody even at a smaller level.

My friend Zak has a ton of (real) Twitter followers and he's well known no the indie circuit, they hit 50K+ on their KS and a lot of it came from doing hard work twitter blasting and FBing.
Thanks a lot for the feedback everyone! And Nick we would love for you to pledge if you are interested. Haha.

And we are trying to stay strong. And we did not actually buy the likes on either page. Though I am pretty sure if you have the money you can.

We actually just spread the word for the facebook page. Friends told friends, and so on. Same with the twitter. We actually know some people in Canada and Britain, who helped spread the word and retweeted for us.

Our previous works are actually just two short films and around 7 music videos. We make a lot of films (short) but never decide to release them. More for entertainment. But we are really serious about this project and we really do hope it gets backed.

We are just working our butts off for the past week trying to promote it. Though I feel like the Kickstarter may not happen. Though we would love it to. Even though we are trying our hardest to promote, some people just dont want to.

Thanks again for the feedback everyone! (: