'an account shared by various Little Rock Film Festival operators'
Lot of them here always have question about, (judging Film Festival operators to be organisers too)
# How much influential are Film Festival organisers.
#how much good can they give to talented guys who make it to win festival awards.
#What kind of crucial point can they play in growth and development of talented people in short movie industry other than organising festivals....just festivals.
in modelling an dfashion designing , they are offered great platform.
Can these organisers , atleast gaurantee the telecast of short movies on small screen.
(but, why small screen.??
why not small screen??? they can get enough good offer.
Why not work for the well fare of indie/short movie?
ans: i think small screen can do good in this case than any other platform.
if you not organisers and designation changed, then let them know we questioned it here .
section buy/sell script:
Hello !! award winnning script writer got script , any one want it, i'm resdy to give it for free !!!!
I couldn't stop laughing at that pathetic fellow's situation.