Hello people who probably know much more about filmmaking than I do. I am Ryan, or Cold (Whatever you guys feel like calling me )
Background: I have been making failish movies since I was like 6. Mostly just short 1 minute films or filming BMX (which wasn't THAT failish) Recently, like a year ago, I started getting serious about filmmaking when I decided to stop using my cheap Flip video camera for a better model that uses tapes (Some sorta Sony Handycam) I highly believe in using manual setting over automatic settings, and that was the main motive for my camera switch. Now, I am a Freshman at Seneca Valley High School taking TV production and trying to learn how to produce greater quality movies.
Planned Productions:
Red- Death Of Me music video
Virus (in the Preporduction stage at this moment)
Shaman's Harvest- Dragonfly music video (maybe)
As for why I joined this forums, I do plan on producing a lot of films over the next few years, and I probably will need help doing so because I obviously am a newbie to this
Background: I have been making failish movies since I was like 6. Mostly just short 1 minute films or filming BMX (which wasn't THAT failish) Recently, like a year ago, I started getting serious about filmmaking when I decided to stop using my cheap Flip video camera for a better model that uses tapes (Some sorta Sony Handycam) I highly believe in using manual setting over automatic settings, and that was the main motive for my camera switch. Now, I am a Freshman at Seneca Valley High School taking TV production and trying to learn how to produce greater quality movies.
Planned Productions:
Red- Death Of Me music video
Virus (in the Preporduction stage at this moment)
Shaman's Harvest- Dragonfly music video (maybe)
As for why I joined this forums, I do plan on producing a lot of films over the next few years, and I probably will need help doing so because I obviously am a newbie to this