Hello everybody, check out my movies!

Hello everybody! My name is Anthony and the reason why I joined this forum like all of you is because I'm highly interested in film and making movies. I'm 15 years old (I will be 16 in October) and currently a high school student and I really have a passion for filmmmaking. I hope to be a writer/actor/director/editor or a "WADE" (funny that I just made that up on the spot) when I grow up. I just made up that acronym by myself. Anyway, please check out my youtube channel AEI1031Productions and my three movies. I attached their links so you could see them. One of them (The Final Hour) sucks but it was my first movie and everyone's first movie sucks (thats at least what my film teacher says). The other two (Kentucky Smith and One O'Clock) however are pretty good on a newbie level. Please feel free to comment on them and to share them with everyone you know

Kentucky Smith <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHLHkBMRC04>
One O' Clock <http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=fiQMDqZYONM>
The Final Hour <http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=fiQMDqZYONM> I warn you, this is a piece of shit! Please watch the other two before you watch this!
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