Hello :'D


My name is Robin, I'm 20 years old and living in the Netherlands.
I've been a film student for 2 years now.

I started with writing stories, I saw my characters coming to life (in my head and on paper)
That time I also watched a lot of anime, I began editing them with music.
(I deleted all my movies from youtube one day, and now I regret it) *fail*

Film was already my passion, but now I can bring my characters alive..
And reach the audience, with fiction and some personal experiences.
I want people to live with my characters and get sucked into the story. <3

I've been practicing with different kind of camera's like: SONY PD170 & JVC GY HM750.
These days I've been trying out the Canon 5D.
So far I've been thinking about getting my own DSLR. (because they look cute :3)
Well not only because they look nice, but also because its a different way of filming.

The reason I joined this forum is because I'm a forum addict...
and I want to share & learn more about film's and film making.

(Almost forgot my dream: being a directors couple and film together)

Thanks for reading and I hope this forum fits me :)

ps. I got my own little film actors, for my evil master plan. *uch*
