Heads Up: The Making of ANIMAL HOUSE

The Biography Channel is showing the making of ANIMAL HOUSE right now. There is about an hour left, sorry I'm late in posting this, but it comes on again at 1:00am.

The reason I am posting this is because everything they talk about, except the fact that they had an 'in' at Universal Pictures, is so indie that I thought you might all want to take a look at this. From getting the multiple drafts of the screenplay finished to actors who had never done anything (Kevin Bacon) to the location person lying and saying "Oh, yeah we have a perfect frat house," when they didn't have one. So far this is a great story, so if you can watch the rest or manage to stay awake later than usual, you may want to watch this or at least look for it the next time it comes back on the Biography Channel....

-- spinner :cool:
You'll like this biography show. It gave me some encouragement in that even though I don't have any 'connections' I do see how things feel very 'on the fly' when it comes to putting everything together.

-- spinner :cool: