HDV footage of Amsterdam, Bangkok and Tokyo required for music video


I'm currently producing and directing the music video for a track called Listen (All Around the World), by a local rapper, here in Glasgow, Scotland (http://www.myspace.com/kobionyame).

The theme of the track is the artist travelling around the world, and so several of the places mentioned in the lyrics are to be shown in the video. We filmed most of the video last weekend.

The video is funded mostly by the Media Trust, and so is extremely low budget. We require HDV footage of Amsterdam in Holland, Bangkok in Thailand, and Tokyo, in Japan. The rest of our locations were mocked up here in this country.

As much as we'd love to actually travel to these places(!), we can't afford to fly out to film anywhere. However, we do need some street footage (to make the mock-ups seem a bit more convincing), perhaps taken by a student film-maker living in or around each location, who wouldn't mind spending an hour or so getting a couple of minutes of footage for us, and uploading it to a server for download by us (or FedEx'ing it, which we can pay for). We'd need all non-exclusive rights to include it in the video for worldwide TV and Web broadcast, etc.

Sorry, but we don't have any money left to pay for your time, but, you will be fully credited as a camera operator. The video, featuring your work, will be shown in the UK, on Channel U, Charge (Community Channel), and possibly MTV Base. It's an excellent thing to put on your CV and show reel.

Please, if you're interested in this opportunity, let me know ASAP, and I'll provide you with full details of what we're looking for.


Iain McGuinness
