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HD Cam SR vs HD Cam


Staff Member
I hope I'm posting this question in the right place...

I have my movie in HD Cam SR, with a frame rate of 23.98, 4:4:4
I'm quoting this off of the case, as this is NOT my strong point at all ;)

For an upcoming festival, it will be screened in HD Cam, so I need to have a copy made in that format, which will be done by the same company that did the HD Cam SR.

They have asked me what the frame rate is?

Can anyone confirm to me that 24 fps is or is not standard for HD Cam?
Do I need to check this with the venue?
I've emailed them already this morning....

Thanks for any help!
Also, check your colour retention, as AFAIK standard HDCAM only supports 3:1:1 colour space, as opposed to your beautiful 4:4:4

Also, HDCAM only supports 4 channels of audio, as opposed to 12 channels on SR.

Not much you can really do though, if that's the delivery format they want, just things to keep in mind :P
Thanks, I know...
We already have HD Cam SR...but they don't support that.

I have the post-production house that made the SR tape doing the duplication, so I have confidence that they'll do the best job possible (they were insistent that I double-check the required frame rate, which I appreciate).