Have You Ever: Sold a Film or Screenplay to a Relatively Big Company?

or won at relatively big festivals? pretty much... have any of you made a decent amount of money by selling a screenplay (and for how much money?) or gotten distribution for a completed film (and what film is it?)...:D
hey thats great we have friends from cyprus and australia...well friend there are few successive stories but they might be busy at the momment as majority of the member sare pro.....

by the way can you tell us cyprus film industry and australian film industry????

please dont send the links of wikipedia [:D]
Why do you want to know?

I can think of at least four regular members here who have done all of the above... but I can't imagine for a second they're going to roll out their CV's, just because someone asked... I know I won't be.
6 Figures ...............................Wow

Might sound like a lot but my life hasn't really changed all that much. The rewrite I've done now puts me at 7 figures now from the same sale.

The reason I write is so I can get back to making my own films with actors who can act and with enough money so everyone involved can make money instead of simply a copy of the film and credit.

I feel I owe it to anyone who might eventually jump on board my vision to make sure the script is the very best it can be so there's a chance that yet another film can be made...

And another...

And another...

You get the idea.

I personally think it's the SCRIPT that makes this happen ASSUMING of course, you've got the technical expertise to make the film you shoot (or HD) LOOK like other films we watch.

You've gotta have both...

But also to my way of thinking... A great looking film with a shit story ain't gonna sell. A crappier looking film with a great story just might sell. A great looking film with a great story has the best chance of all.

well you are 10000 % right FilmJumper A movies without a good saleable script is just like a building without the iron body which is placed in the starting which help the building to stand. i agree with you. well as you said

Might sound like a lot but
well for me its alot because 6 figures mean atleast 10,000 us dollars well multiply it from 70 and the amount you will get is the amount i can get being a pakistani. due to the foreign exchange...so for me its a lot :D
Haha Melon Dome.

Film Jumper, I don't want to poke too much into your personal business but roughly how many screenplays were written and how many were sold before this 7 figure one? I heard that most successful screenwriters usually write 3 or 4 before selling one.

