HAUNTED KENTUCKY: SPIRITS OF THE BLUEGRASS a new Supernatural Documentary from TuckyWood Productions in Production NOW! HKSOTB will document some of the strangest, unexplained findings in Kentucky by leading experts in the "Ghost Hunting" field. In the documentary you will see videos, pictures, and hear some spine tingling EVP evidence that might just make you a believer! We will travel all over the state with our cameras and guidance by paranormal investigators. Old abandoned churches, century old cemeteries, battlefields, hospitals, theaters, and haunted libraries are just a few of our destinations. Featuring Keith Age(Sci Fi's SPOOKED, CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE 1,2) Chip Coffey(AE's PARANORMAL STATE) Shannon Slyvia(GHOST HUNTER'S INTERNATIONAL) John Zaffis, and world renowned Ghost Hunter Patti Starr.

Shot with Panasonic DVX-100, edited on FCP HD.

Teaser trailer(Library)

Trailer #2

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nice i like it i saw you did the shaking thing with the words on the screen on the 1st trailer

like some of the ligitings u use like in the trailer where the woman is talking about the lil boy the picture is light different from the lady that was cool

i also notice some of the ckips was lil fuzzy and dont know if maybe u got from a difference sourse from you camera
Thanks for the kind words. I believe the "fuzziness" you a referring to is more of a compression problem. Viewed on my broadcast monitor here at my edit suite it is very crisp.