archived-videos Harry Wannabe - A very ugly story

Larry, great job!! :D I can really see you improving with each cartoon. The animation here were better then in TTH, IMO.;) All the voices were great and fit the characters just right. Humor was not bad at all, all in all very good.

Thumbs up from me! Go see this one folks! =D>

Very nice piece of work, i have respect for all animators and artists, my brother works for image comics and i know how hard it was for him to get where he is now.
Keep up the good work
Look at dem teeth!

Larry, I love the look of your characters. I especially love those chompers. I was a bit let down by this toon however. It seemed to drag in places. But keep it up, I really like your style.

Well ...

At the first, with all the jokes about the Stoner Hippie Dude. I would have rather seen it get right into the whole "ugly tree" stuff.

Yeah, I feel the same way about the beginning.

The beginning scene I was just trying to establish that Lonny was a creep before he gave Harry the terrible tug. I also needed to establish that Judy Hartliss was mean.

In the early stages it seemed like it would have worked out better. After i fleshed everything out. I realized I should have streamlined the beginning.

Now I am sharpening my skills hoping to improve with my second episode titled Harry Wannabe - Curious Jim.

Thank you for the feedback