Guess what I found! "Ten Dead Men!"

...I just happened to be looking over some pages in Wikipedia--that's sometimes something I do when I am bored or waiting to do something else....

...So, I'm looking at a link called "Upcoming Films" and I click on the 2009 link and there in the "T" section of alphabetically ordered films I find "Ten Dead Men".

Well, what to my wandering eyes should appear! There's a poster of "Ten Dead Men", a film by our own
Mr. Modern Life! That link is here:

I know I haven't been around that much lately, and maybe you all already knew about this page, but I just thought it was great to see one of our IT community on Wikipedia! I thought it was quite exciting and I guess I am just glad for Ten Dead Men!

I hope you don't mind my post about this, Modern Life :D I guess I was just excited for you!

-- spinner :cool:
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