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watch Growing Up As Boys - Short Skit by Squinty Studios

This skit / sketch is aimed at the male audience.

Description: For all the men out there, do you remember when you were little and the smallest nipple slip would make you excited and your heart race. But now, at the age of 21+ looking at women being naughty isn't as appealing as it use to be.


Challenges: On the day of the film shoot, we only had two people, Myself and my friend. So we had to get most of our shots on a tripod. This also meant we didn't have a boom pole guy, so in some parts, the audio isn't as clear as it should be. In the "Age 12" part of the sketch, we had to do a bit of a dodgy voice over, to get clearer audio.

I'm happy with how the actual film turned out afterwards because image-wise, it's a lot more clearer than my previous short.

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