Good Morning

Hello all I'm Nic, I woke up and decided to join this form, I came across it in search of fluid ball head info. I've been looking for other people who are as passionate about getting into film as myself. Ah and about myself, I'm an aspiring director/writer(yes another one) from Baltimore. Im currently in school for motion graphics, and preparing to transfer into a film program.

I don't have an extreme amount of film making experience(lees then a year) and it's funny how I wound up in this position in the first place (a long story). I'm currently writing shorts in hopes of filming one this summer and next. I'm also being a sponge, trying to learn everything I can about directing, and the experiences of those that have been great before me. I want to make films about ordinary people who wind up in extraordinary situations, not rehashed super hero fluff.

I'm always looking to meet driven people and make dependable contacts. I think the best time to form relationships is when we're all broke nobodies, that way everyone can have the long ascending climb to rich asshole together; knowing it was earned.

My Reel