Good mic for t4i?

Wsup ppl, I need to get a mic for my t4i, I've done some research on my own but I just want some other suggestions. And help would be high appreciated.
As we have discussed frequently here on IndieTalk the audio implementation of DSLRs is quite substandard. It is best to treat DSLRs as film cameras without any audio capabilities at all - until you get to post.

You should get a decent quality audio recorder and a shotgun mic kit. Yup, it's going to be (relatively) pricey; between $500 and $2,500. The less money you spend the more potential problems you will encounter.

This thread may be of some help:

Yes, you can connect a mic directly to your DSLR camera, although I do not recommend this.

My primary recommendation is to hire a pro sound team. Since this is way beyond what most indie types can afford, the next recommendation is to hook up with an ambitious up-and-coming production sound guy/gal; s/he will have the gear and more knowledge than you currently have, and it will take one burden (production sound) off of your shoulders when you shoot.

I also recommend that you go through my posts on sound-for-picture and those of AudioPostExpert. You may also want to spend some time at (an all around sound-for-picture site) and (a forum for production sound professionals).

As I mention frequently, it is the skill with which you use the tools you have, not the tools themselves.