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Global Dialogues 4th Quarter Short Film Video Challenge

The Global Dialogues 4th Quarter video challenge is open for your entries!

This quarters video title: Lovers' Moment of Truth

For the video challenges Global Dialogues presents the beginning of a story that you're to finish in a video of your own. The continued story should reflect your vision of a better world and depict the characters finding positive solutions to the problems they are confronted with.

You can complete the story in a video up to 2 minutes long.

The director of the winning video from each of the 3 Global Dialogues regions will receive US$1,000 and international visibility: Africa, The Americas, Euroasia/Pacific

You have until the end of Sunday, 30 November 2014 to submit your video to the Challenge. Voting will then be open until the end of Monday, 15 December 2014.

The contest is FREE. All you have to do to participate and enter is sign up.

The contest is open to anyone, worldwide, up to the age of 25. Over 25? That's okay, create a team so long as one person on the team is under the age of 25.

You can learn more about the contest at the Video Challenge Overview: http://globaldialogues.org/video-challenges/overview/.

View the Frequently Asked Questions here: http://globaldialogues.org/video-challenges/faq/

Further information on the Rules and Prizes: http://globaldialogues.org/video-challenges/rules-prizes/

Check out past videos and Global Dialogues winners here: https://www.youtube.com/globaldialogues

Best of luck to you and we look forward to seeing your video submissions!