Getting a t3i/600d. What lens(es)?


I'm going to buy a Canon T3i/600d. I want it primarily for shooting interviews with people close up but also for filming concerts so I want one with more zoom too. Budget isn't too high... what would you recommend?

Should I get the camera with one that comes with it then get another one or body only and buy 2 new ones?

Hi Dream - I would avoid the kit lens unless you can get it for free.

I recommend a £370 600D body and a £75 50mm f1.8 lens for interviews.

Youĺl need a fast telephoto for concerts (minimum f2.8). For that reason, I recommend a used £500 Sigma 70-200 f2.8.

If that is outside of your budget, you should look at a £420 new or £375 used Canon 100mm f2.8.

With APS-C´s built-in 1.6x crop and the 600D´s terrific 3X crop mode, the 100mm will be a 480mm equivalent telephoto.

Hope that´s helpful!
