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Hi Guys

I've made some updates to the web diary I'm keeping about the process of selling "No Place" my first feature.

This means you can now subscribe to it and get new postings e-mailed straight to you.

If someone could let me know that it's working and also try out the comments feature, I'd be grateful. I've had a few teething problems with the comments feature, which I think are now fixed.

If I can get this set up to work, the way I want it to, I'm going to do the same for my new sci-fi project "Hellhole," but this time I'm going to run the diary throughout the entire process, from first script all the way to distribution.

Oh, by the way, if you check out my links, you'll see I've added one to Roger Avary's (Killing Zoe) Blog, which is fascinating.

Hey, i commented on the synopsis and it worked. And i subscribed to it, got a bloglet password and whatnot. I guess i have to wait until you update the blog before i get emailed anything :) haha. But yea, synopsis of the movie is good. When do you think you can start selling it? (provided i get this job)

Thanks Rizen,

The comment was much appreciated.
I'm afraid at the moment we are a long way from having saleable copies. We are still trying to complete the film and then we need to secure distribution. Keep reading and you'll be the first to know when it happens. Hopefully it will be soon or I'll be looking at the job ads.
Thanks to all you who subscribed to the blog. I hope the delivery system is working OK.

Feel free to comment or ask questions and I'll work answers and responses in.

Because the seling/completion process is quite at the moment, I'm telling the history of the film over the next week or so. Let me know if there are any particualr areas you'd like me to cover.

Thanks for your support in this experiment
Delivery system is working, i got my email today(well i checked it today). This is pretty sweet, i might set something up like this if i ever make a Feature Film.

Keep me covered, I start my job soon, so i should have money by time you get a copy ready to sell, which is good :)
Thanks Poke, feel free to comment, as I'll gear my postings to any feedback. As you can see I'm in flashback mode at the moment and trying to document the story of the production, which has now spread over two and a half years.

I'm very aware that I'm only skimming the surface of the story, but on the other hand I don't want to burden everyone with 2000 words a day.

The bigger picture with this diary experiment, is that I've already started a new private diary for my new project Hellhole, in which I'm charting the whole process from script to distribution. I've already posted some the initial artwork for the set designs, which is why, for the next month or so I'm keeping that one under wraps. What I'm interested in with the No Place diary, is just writing down honestly, what it's like to invest your entire future in a feature film. Also, once we start doing business, soon I hope (as does my bank manager), I wanted to show the part of the process that normally gets hidden from other filmmakers. The money side.

I'm also interested in whether this kind of online diary can become a successful marketing tool for an independent filmmaker. Anyhow, keep talking to me about it, because I'll pass on the lessons I learn to everyone on the forum.

Oh, I know that you guys only ever spend time on this, the best of all indie filmmaking forums, but if you accidentally ended up at some other ones, feel free to pass on details about "No Place" the movie diary.
strangely enough, Clive, i came across No Place a few weeks before i joined this forum and found it informative and enjoyable that i've saved it in my favourites. So if i could stumble across it by accident, i'm sure poeple out there searching for such blogs would love yours.
Thanks Slacker, that's really useful info and feedback.

I'm off at a wedding this weekend, so no new posts until Monday.