editing General SFX (Visual) Questions.....

Fellow Filmmakers,

I am trying to understand the "How To" on some of the commonly used visual effects in Movies, Music Videos, or Ads.

Understanding this will help me decide how i can execute some of the scenes/shots with the assistance of an SFX person.

Do you know of any website that publishes/discusses such information?

Or if you would even share what you have learned along your filmmaking ventures.

Much appreciate your time and input.
Just as an FYI, "SFX" is the acronym used for "sound effects". "FX" (or, rarely, "EFX") is generally the term for "visual effects".

If you do a search on Google for Movie FX How To, you'll find a number of useful sites and information. And I'm sure others may be able to add direct links to their personal favorite FX sites.

Good luck!
A bit of both...

But more in-camera than post. I prefer real to CG 90+% of the time.

Actually, to be more specific I generally find that real enhanced with CG is best when real alone won't cut it... but CG for things that are otherwise not possible.