archived-videos Game.Boy. by naverdolquin click movies and then click movies link

Unfortunately it has to be downloaded. It will take approx 6 minutes to do this and I have not attached any viruses or such. I tried it and it worked. However the audio is choppy and skips a little - I dont know why. Anyway if you are REALLY bored and want to take the time to watch it any feedback would be great.

Here's the deal - I entered the 24 hour shootout in Boulder CO in October. I had an idea and then scrapped it. I wrote this in two hours and we shot it in less than 6 hours. It had to be shot linear with no editing. (tho this cut is partially edited).

My acting is marginal at best and I have a stutter.

The volume needs to be turned up - especially the first half.

There is lots of swearing.

It cost roughly $8 to make - the camera guys worked for free.

Mostly I want to know if you get it, it had to be under 7 minutes, but you can give any feedback +/-
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ok. I have to admit...I got a good chuckle out of this. Regardless of the plotline, you've tapped into a very real character...the annoying person at work who just won't take a hint. I'll bet anyone who has ever worked a job will relate to that. And the actor performing that character had a great delivery. His little 'hip-shake' when he said "just ask the ladies of Vice City" is priceless. Admittedly, the movie is a little rough around the edges, especially with the audio and editing, but this can all be overlooked for a project done in 8 hours...its quite entertaining. I look forward to seeing what you guys can do with more time. Thanks!