Funny / cringing / disasterous stories from low budget shoots

It was summer when we filmed the peice below, and the guy in the end shot is covered with a full set of pig's, they reeeked so bad cos they were sat in my car for the whole day. all the crew had to wear paper masks with vicks spread inside to try and block out the smell...also, the guy puking is puking for real - after lots of retakes, the cold chicken soup made him feel so sick he barfed up the cast lunch.

also lived illegally above a brothel for most of the feature's development period, which turned into a weed a guided tour by the police when it was raided as "research" (heheheh!) and were told by the officer that if he turned to a life of crime, he would definitely grow weed "as it's far more profitable and less risky than selling coke". fuckin hilarious.

anyone else been involved in some unusual productions?
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Nothing quite like that. I was on a set once where I was gripping. Most of the crew was in from New York and they were shooting a music video at a college apartment. I remember setting up lights in a dark room and heard something moving behind me. I turned around and it was a girl that had passed out the night before and she was moving around in her bed. The roommate told me that she wouldn't wake up and I can just light around her. By around 3:00 in the afternoon the band had started smoking weed and then by about 6 the rest of the crew decided to get high as well. This was while we were shooting. As the shoot continued through the night a full on party broke out down stairs. This included several beer kegs and eventually gambling. Again the crew made sure to participate. I was out by about 12 am (When I was off the clock and they didn't want to pay OT) and they were still shooting. The funny thing was I had to do it all over the next day.

I will not say who the production company was or any of the crew names but needless to say it was a bizarre shoot for me. Really, really nice guys though. All of them and I would definitely shoot with them again if I got the chance to.
@OP: that sounds pretty John Waters' Pink Flamingos style gorilla filmmaking. I love it! At least no one had to eat a box of feces....

@Brooksy: I can totally picture that and it reminds me of how glad I am that I never went to university and lived in a dorm. By my observation, college roommates are sooo inconsiderate :grumpy: