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Fundraising for Independent Movie Going on Now

Hi all,

I'm posting this to to spread the word about an independent film that will be done this summer called "Will and Testament". Right now, our director, producer and assistant director are in the process of fundraising for the film. Although we have surpassed our goal, we are looking to raise more funds for emergency issues that may arise during filming.

So, please visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/521898205/will-and-testament-a-full-length-independent-film and help pledge. If you pledge at least $10, you will get a copy of the movie when it is finished. If you pledge more than that, there are other things you will be entitled to.

A synopsis of the movie is also there, along with updates as to how well the pre-production process has been so far.

There are only a few days left, but anything you can do to help will make this movie be the best it can be on a low budget.
