Fun game on youtube!

Flamebaiting commenters (yes, I know it's childish...but my comment count is going up):

Careful: contains unprovoked profanity in almost every's a challenge here because they only allow 500's the full posting I had typeed up for this last lost lots of wit through editing it down to 500 chars.

That was so (((((((SAD)))))))) full of f***in sh*t!!!

Could you please define the parts you liked vs. the parts you didn't. It'll help me create better projects in the future. Comments such as this don't add to the betterment of anything. Do you have anger issues? Did your parents abandon you as a child in the grocery store alot? Are you obsessed with death and dark colors? Do you floss less than you should?

oh my God how old r u cos u look over 60 and u r sick in the head to say something like dat how dare u. How could some1 even cum out wid sumink like dat ur twisted u need HELP!!!

Ur sick yeah maybe sweetcandy was a bit hursh but every1 else seem to think the same and u no what u r f***in CRAP!! how dare u talk to people like dat u musta abused some1 urself how can u even say something like that on here u crazy b*tch

me (had to cut this one down considerably to get it to fit...not as good now):
These seem to be written by angry 14 year olds with no dictionary.
Sick is attacking work with no reasons. I prefer the "acting sucks" critique.
I re-read my comment and don't see that I accused him of being abused.
Everyone else does think the same...I've read more unprovoked profanity in these "critiques" than I heard throughout my entire tenure in high school. I'm saddened the ability to communicate is being lost. You all suck ass! Do I get a sticker that says I'm part of the club now?

was originally:
These seem to be written by angry 14 year olds with no access to a dictionary. They read like old Prince songs.
Sick is attacking work with profanity rather than critiquing the piece honestly. I actually prefer the "the acting sucks" critique as it is slightly constructive.
I haven't been abused.. I re-read my comment and don't see that I accused him of being abused I would think reading all the way through to the flossing comment would set the tone of my tirade. Apparently, we can't be bothered to read all the way through a written piece anymore. What a sad world.
Everyone else does think the same...I've read more unprovoked profanity in these "critiques" than I heard throughout my entire tenure in high school. I'm afraid the ability to communicate is being lost, and sarcasm and humor are falling by the wayside (this disturbs me the most as it's a survival skill for society). The internet is turning our youth into a mass of zombies unable not only to communicate, but to relate to other humans on a fundamental level. So I join the foray! You all suck a**! Do I get a sticker that says I'm part of the club now?

I've got more on there, these are kinda fun. Remember the rules...attack the post, not the people...they'll do enough attacking to make the drama for you...and they'll misinterpret everything you write.
Part of the problem is that the term "Scare Tactics" comes with a preconceived notion on content on youtube...which is not dramatic short films. These "Scare Tactics" videos have a certain demographic which is obvious from the vitriol that I've been receiving in the comments for the piece. The title of the piece (thank you Steve Gelder) has gotten over 2000 views for something that normally wouldn't have gotten more than 200 in the same time period that it's been up.
I was gonna ask how you got anyone to comment. But you answered that -- use a title that wil bring people in (no one cares about Knife Tricks).
find out what common names are out there for things that pubescent kids rant about...make a short called "Warcraft" about a killer car or something ;) You'll get tons of views. Then, if it's really good, it'll get spread around and go all viral or bacterial or whatever. We should see if there's any common tags that get used as well in ones that get searched....initially, I thought it was because I put "drugs" in the tags...turns out it was the title.
I think its funny! I used to get childish comments like this quite frequently and initially i felt offended by it, but now i just wind them up and ridicule them with my response...

In my view all publicity is good publicity!
I remember that first posting you made out there...seems like forever ago.

Comment count is up...the same people that would normally give eyeballs to video of some guy getting hit repeatedly with a baseball bat probably is just the type of person to watch me verbally bash these miscreants comments and enjoy it. ;)