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watch Full HD Video ' Wrong'

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zt1DPjlrAQHey Guys, we've just made a full HD video for our song ' Wrong' . Please check it out and leave any comments and constructive critiques. We're also looking to hook up with Indie Film makers, who would like to use our material in their films.

Not sure if we've put the link in correctly, but please copy and paste this in if you're unable to click on the link above, or alternatively look for the mooli music channel on youtube.
Thanks x

I really dig the song. The video was okay, but I noticed some issues and have a few suggestions to start to make it better. There were a few parts of the video where the audio and video were not synced. This is a huge problem in music videos. Luckily it did not happen too often. I felt the locations were too limited. The visuals failed to keep my attention because there were too few different shots. Many of the shots were also framed very oddly. They had foreheads cut off, or moved around in an exaggerated way. My biggest issue was the editing. It did not go with the music at all. This another extremely important factor in a music video as it connects the two mediums (music and film) in a coherent way. Keep in mind that even with the criticisms I am throwing out, I enjoyed the music video and give credit to you for going out and completing it.

One last piece of advice. A music video needs to be visually striking, tell a story or preferably both to keep the audiences attention. It is one of the only visual mediums that you are not forced to tell a story to keep the audience watching (look at many professional music videos and that will quickly become apparent), but you must keep them from becoming bored or distracted.
I just keep think there should be a short love story in this video to go with the music. You got some good shots of them singing but like the poster said above it was too limiting to only show them singing for a majority of the film.

Why not instead show a couple that meets then has some fun then have problem then break up then try to get back together. That would be a good video. There should be a fight scene too. Like a verbal fight. Then a shove and then she throws dishes at him or something. Ha... You could do the love triangle thing too where there is competion and you are not sure which will end up together at the end. This song would be perfect for backing music for Smallville.

I would probably start the video off showing the girl because she is pretty and may help keep viewers watching if you show her right away.
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