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call-for-entries From Script to Screen - one day film making masterclass 15/10/2024 London location

From Script to Screen

Do you know your Fellini, Bergman, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodavor, Lean and Lynch, Goddard and Traffaut, Speilberg and Soderbergh, then let's roll the film. If you don't this is the day you do.

A one day film masterclass to explore the medium of film as an art form. We will be discussing all genres of film from classical to the beauty within, comedy, romcom, drama and horror, Hollywood and independent cinema. The course is designed to manufacture not just a product, but a piece of your soul to elevate your ambitions in the creative media on Planet Hollywood. If it's an award your looking for, that's at the film tent. What we are really trying to create is that little piece of heaven, that will make your audiences want to laugh, cry and return to the box office time and time again. Set against the urbane backdrop of the London Film Festival 2024, a diet of classes, reading and research, snacks and nibbles what you will bring to the table is your life, laid bare to produce an award winning short 15 minute film for presentation, hopefully at next year's Film Festival cartography. Intensive, exhausting, brain busting, can't wait to drink from the water fountain. Expect the best and you will come out a winner. Leave your gym shoes at home. It's a goodie. No hidden extras, they signed up before you, union rates. Bring your script idea and/or 5 pages of screenplay and a digicam, we will do the rest!HBO, Freedom Writer.
