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Free Online Production Software

So there is a new online software like Celtx, but apparently much more in-depth and its free. I thought I'd let everyone know. You can check out the features and stuff and sign up for the beta testing. So far its pretty cool...

Free Crew - Finder ....

There's a new website that is being developed that is free that includes a way to rate fellow freelancers etc. and it directly goes to a pre-production software that allows companies to find you based on your availability and rating... check it out

You're very bad at the "aw shucks" marketing strategy, as a quick search shows you personally were working on this project and looking for beta testers.

I'll warn you that the next posts will start to feel somewhat aggressive. We've seen tons of these posts from many people (most of them on their first post though -- your previous posts say you're making this software). The previous statement makes it sound like it's something you've mysteriously run across ... and history has shown that people will actively avoid projects/products that are marketed here in this manner.

I recommend that you change the past or add the next post that says it's yours and you're proud to be associated with it (rather than trying to detach yourself from the project with the "Aw, Shucks" strategy).

For everyone about to respond the way that normally happens here... I've covered it, no need.
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Looks like you're covering a wide gamut of services... nice. Great looking site too, nice and clean, easy to find information.

My only drawback is that I tend to be REALLY paranoid about where my information is stored due to my past career. As I don't personally have access to the physical hardware that the info is being hosted on, I'd have some issues recommending this for my team - but... for folks who are OK with the "cloud" computing (extranets) thingy, this looks like a great service.

What kind of data protection is in place? What kind of backup strategy are you using? What hardware failure policies do you have in place for my multi-million dollar production (I wish!) to trust your service in the midst of the production?

These are just questions for you to consider, but are no-sale things for me, sorry... if you would allow your service to use hardware/servers other than your own, I'd be all over it.

Don't use the same username for innocent forum posts as you have on your Behance profile, which, incidentally, lists both your twitter and your association with productionbooth.com

As knightly said, be proud to own your work and if it's truly great, others will appreciate it for that.
Jumping in and pretending to be neutral isn't going to net you brownie points.

I for one won't be looking at this website at all - if you have no qualms against using such shady marketing practices then I wonder what else you're capable of?