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watch FPS The Show

I am a high school film maker who has spent the past 6 months working on my comedy sitcom, "FPS The Show". It parodies "The Office". With lots of help from the users here at Indietalk, I think I've done a pretty good job on my very first project ever. Please keep in mind I film this with NO budget, so we have to be pretty creative. Please enjoy FPS The Show, and if you like it, please let us know! I spend ALL my free time working on this, and it makes my day to hear that someone enjoyed it.

Obviously there will be some camerawork that needs work, and acting that needs work, but the show dramatically improves as it goes, and I think people will really enjoy it, and at our level, I think it's pretty good!

The Youtube channel is linked below, the first 3 episodes have been released. Enjoy!
