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Forsaken short

Hi All,

We are a small group of filmmakers in the UK who produce short films including tutorials and festivals, but apply professional rules to each production. Our aim is to produce the highest quality production, and enjoy the process of creating films.

We have spent the best part of the last year working on a 15 minute film based on the backstory created by Viking Productions in the US. The World of Depleted is a framework for a series of short films, as well as a feature length movie to start production in late 2011. A post-apocalyptic world in which a series of mysterious attacks trigger governmental overreaction and radical civil uprising. The chaos and mob mentality that make up this uprising leads to the destruction of health and technological networks, the breakdown of modern society and, in the resulting year, a global deathtoll of nearly 90%.

Constructive comments would be welcome. :)

You can see the trailer on YouTube at: