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watch FORELSKET trailer (feature from UNCSA alums/students)

Hi all

I'm Matt Gomez, a 2012 UNC School of the Arts graduate from the screenwriting department. During my third and fourth years at UNCSA, I directed a feature film based on a very loosely outlined screenplay.

Everyone remotely involved with the film is a current or former UNCSA student: directing, producing, editing students acted alongside drama students, others utilized and built upon their skill set and passions. Everyone put a part of their souls into it.

We filmed in between finals, on the off hours of our other student projects. Editing in the waning hours of our senior year, with life's other plans looming, we have arrived at a stand still in post. Like many low budget independent films, our sound is in dire shape.

This summer we have decided to finally reassemble and rededicate our lives to it.

We created trailers while making the movie, to visualize the editing style while shooting. Posting this here means to me that we want our film to be seen, despite the tough circumstances, despite life continuing to stall it.

I'd love to hear some thoughts/opinions on a direction to take with it. I want to get this to as many people who would enjoy it as possible. The plan has always been to submit it to festivals when it's finished. We are still learning about this industry, especially the independent one. Would love to hear some advice.

The trailer:
