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for the DirtySoapCinema

Call for shorts.

This summer the Dirty Soap Cinema will start. This is a mobile video screen wich we will take to the people to show films and video art from independend artists. You can expect us at festivals, campings, squares or in a park near your house.

Starting with a tour trough Eastern Europe this summer we are going to entertain the people with shorts, animations or moving images in its broadest sense.
For this project we are still looking for short films to accompany us on our yourney. So if you made a movie (or know someone) that you would like to promote, then send us a link of your movie (youtube,vimeo...)and your contact information and maybe your movie will be shown from here to the Black Sea.

What are we looking for:
Short movies from minimum 1 minute to a maximum of 20 minutes. We accept all sorts of genres.

What do we offer:
Your movie gets an all inclusive journey to the east of Europe, where it will be accomodated a luxureus 3 star screen.
You will get everlasting fame, and the possibility to spread your movie and thoughts.

Send your url or link to dirtysoapcinema@hotmail.com or you can send me a personal message to my indietalk account, after a selection we will ask you to send the full resolution copy to us.


DirtySoap Cinema