For All Zombie Lovers

Attack of the zombie ants
Scientists have discovered several species of fungi that reproduce by infecting passing ants and essentially turning them into zombies. The fungi take over an ant's brain and steer it up a plant stalk, where the possessed insect clamps onto a leaf with its jaws, then dies. The fungus then uses the ant's carcass as a dual-purpose snack bar and launch platform, feeding off the ant's remains while raining spores down on the surrounding area to infect more ants.


Wired Science News for Your Neurons

4 New Species of Zombifying Ant Fungus Found

* By Danielle Venton Email Author
* March 3, 2011 |
* 12:50 pm |
* Categories: Animals

Four new species of brain-manipulating fungi that turn ants into "zombies" have been discovered in the Brazilian rain forest.

These fungi control ant behavior with mind-altering chemicals, then kill them. They're part of a large family of fungi that create chemicals that mess with animal nervous systems.

Usually scientists study these fungi as specimens preserved in a lab, said entomologist David Hughes of Pennsylvania State University, co-author of a study March 3 PLoS ONE. "By going into the forest to watch them, we found new micro-structures and behaviors."

Once infected by spores, the worker ants, normally dedicated to serving the colony, leave the nest, find a small shrub and start climbing. The fungi directs all ants to the same kind of leaf: about 25 centimeters above the ground and at a precise angle to the sun (though the favored angle varies between fungi). How the fungi do this is a mystery.

"It's related to the fungus that LSD comes from," Hughes said. "Obviously they are producing lots of interesting chemicals."

Before dying, ants anchor themselves to the leaf, clamping their jaws on the edge or a vein on the underside. The fungi then takes over, turning the ant's body into a spore-producing factory. It lives off the ant carcass, using it as a platform to launch spores, for up to a year.

"This is completely different from what we see in temperate zones where, if an insect dies from a fungal infection, the game's over in a few days," Hughes said. "The fungi rots the body of the insect and releases massive amounts of spores over two or three days. But in the tropics, where humidity and temperature are more stable, the fungi has this strategy for long-term release."

Of the four new species, two grow long, arrow-like spores which eject like missiles from the fungus, seeking to land on a passing ant. The other fungi propel shorter spores, which change shape in mid-air to become like boomerangs and land nearby. If these fail to land on an ant, the spores sprout stalks that can snag ants walking over them. Upon infecting the new ant, the cycle starts again.

Chemicals from this global group of fungi, known as Cordyceps, have been a part of traditional medicine for thousands years, and part of Western medicine for the last 50.

Organ transplant patients, for example, receive ciclosporin — a drug that suppresses the immune system, reducing the chance the body will reject the new tissue. Chemicals from this same fungal group are also used for antibiotic, antimalarial and anticancer drugs.

The fungi help the forest by keeping ant populations in check. "All of the problems with global ant infestations, for example the Argentine fire ant," Hughes said, "is because the ants have escaped their natural enemies. Then they become a pest."

These fungi need a precise level of humidity to survive. As global temperature changes, the forests where they live are drying. Hughes and his colleagues are now studying the decline these fungi.

"We're worried we'll see the extinction of a species we've only just managed to describe."

On the following pages are more photographs of zombifying fungi in action.
Oh man...

I read about these kinds of fungi years ago, in "The X-Files: Book of the Unexplained" by Jane Goldman (who incidentally went on to write the screenplay for 'Kick Ass'). Then, a couple of years ago, when I decided I wanted to write a film, this sprung to mind and became the inspiration for the whole thing! Now everybody's going to steal my idea! Thanks Alcove!
soo... let me get this straight... you become a zombie long enough to go sit some were peacefully and die...

you dont actually do anything other plant your self down int he right direction of the sun and or the most humid climate...

i am guessing a movie about this would go something like this

open scene...
Generic news channel report scenario...
male anchor :welcome to good morning (blah blah) we have an exciting new story about zombies... they are real... REAL BORING
when infected by this new fungi your brain will overload on psychedelics allowing you to feel very peacfull... it forces you into your house with a humidifier and makes you want to sit next to a window... at that point... you fall asleep and dy... BORING!!!
Female anchor: you can say that again... in other news... [voice trails off while she explains how little billy fell down a well again]


see... not very exciting... some one would have to do some genetic research on the fungi and turn soldiers into killing machines on the battlefield... but since they already said this fungis produces lsd... then basically all you got to do is just show soldiers taking acid and turning into to killing machines... but wasnt this already done

oh yeah... vietnam man hahahahahahaahaah

dig the pictures in the story though... they were pretty cool looking
Wow! Licenseless, that's exactly how my story goes! Nothing happens, I just wrote 90 pages describing a bunch of zombies sitting around, rotting... If you want it, it's yours! :yes:
Wow! Licenseless, that's exactly how my story goes! Nothing happens, I just wrote 90 pages describing a bunch of zombies sitting around, rotting... If you want it, it's yours! :yes:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh i am under the assumption your story is much better hahahaha i was just being sarcastic because i thought these zombie ants were a little lame...

On a serious note
if i was to be in to zombie flicks (not saying i dont watch walking dead) the story would have to be more scientific which if you wanted to finish your script or developemit more shoot me an email... I can help... I wasnt nocking your script ... Only nocking the idea of how lame the zombie ants are... They dont eat other ants or go on a killing spree... Hahahhahha
Ahh... Now that's the beauty of it! The title of the article about "Zombie Ants" is a bit misleading! The article isn't really about the zombie ants, but about the fungus growing inside the ants and how it affects them.

That's the idea of my story. It's not about zombies at all, but about a fungus, infecting people and attempting to spread it's spores!
Well, I think the story of "The Happening" is almost the same idea. People lose control over their actions, move about a specific distance and kill themselfs.
I think you could make an interesting film about that spores or something similar. M. Night Shyamalan failed, but someone else could...:D