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Footprint Productions wants your scripts for a staged reading!

Hello everyone!

We are a small production company that is looking to host an informal reading of a script at a yet-to-be-announced event in LA.

Here are the details on what we’re looking for:
- Less than 90 minutes read aloud.
- Ideally 10+ characters.
- We would like the writer(s) to have a diverse background.
- The script should cover a topic that is either not often written about, or one that is not often explored from that perspective.
- We would also like a short blurb (2 paragraphs or less) from the writer about why they think their script fits their criteria and what makes it great.
- Please note we are only looking for scripts from people who live in or close to LA.

Submit all scripts to contact@ftprintproductions.com. Our website is currently getting redesigned but it should still be accessible until the new design is live: www.footprintproductions.com

Thank you very much, we look forward to reading your work. If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to ask!