Focusing Screen Question

I'm about to pick up a few new toys and I thought I'd bounce a few questions off you guys.

Currently, my shopping list is as follows:

Rokinon 35mm f/1.4 (Manual Focus Only)
EF-S Precision Matte Focus Screen

Now, my issue is as follows: As I'm going to be doing film work, the manual focus was fine in my book, however, as I haven't used non-stock focusing screens, I'm unsure how the EF-S will interact with the 60D's live-view while I'm filming (haven't used the canon live-view on the 60D). My hope is the EF-S effects not just the viewfinder but also the live-view both while out of recording mode and in recording mode. Can I bank on this being the case? Also, if anyone has any wisdom on recording video with this setup (specifically related to live view would be helpful, but anythings welcome) feel free to drop a comment.

At first I thought you meant an external monitor, but I feel like you're talking about an LCD insert. My first feelings would be why would you want/need this? But if you want/need it, then it will be fine - you can't use the viewfinder in movie mode so you are forced to use live view.
Hmm, perhaps my ignorance on the topic caused me to be unclear. All I'm doing is installing a new focusing screen behind the lens in my 60D. As in I'm not utilizing an external monitor (though that certainly would be nice as well).

Consult the following for more info:

Anyways, (and this seems to be an obvious yes, but I wanted to check with some more experienced users before jumping the gun) I'm wondering whether this new focusing screen (EF-S) will be functional in live-view while recording video and how it will look.

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