Focus Effect

Hey, I'm using the Panasonic DVX100b, I'm not new to filming and I'm not what you may call anything close to a professional but I was wondering is it possible with this camera to do the focus effect I see done alot.

Basically when I'm focusing on my subject and the background is blurred than all of sudden the background is unblurred. I hope that makes since if not heres an example. - Approx. between 1:25 - 1:39

It's called Racking Focus, or Rack Focus, or pulling focus.

There's nothing to do with the camera except focus on one object at a different plane of focus and then adjust it to another.

It helps to understand how depth of field works to begin with so that you can achieve a shallow enough DOF so your rack focus has impact.
I agree with WideShot, but I would add that with a small CCD camera, like most miniDV cameras (including the DVX100), you will have trouble achieving the selective focus that you see with a 35mm camera, or a 35mm adapter on a video camera. You can do it, but the affect may not be as dramatic as you want. The key is to keep the aperture wide open, and if you can, stay in close to your subject. When focusing in close, you can get a nice affect, even with a 1/3 inch focal plane.