FLV Embedding, anyone?

I'm not sure if there are any free flash video encoders, but the embedding part isn't too hard. How long is your video? I may be able to encode it and create an SWF file for it. It just depends on how much trouble it is to get your high quality clip in a format I can transcode to flash.
Can you put them on a web-site for me to download and encode?

Do you want them all embedded in the same flash animation (SWF), or do you want them separate?

I can put a background image, or something in the flash player document, if you wish. I don't have time to do anything too fancy. If you just need the video's encoded as FLV files, I can do that for you quite easily.

Under each separate trailer, there's a downloadable divx option. You may need firefox for it to download properly because someone said they had trouble doing it on aol for whatever reason.

The links work now, but stage 6 (where they are hosted) was supossed to shut down the site yesterday so they could break any minute. If you need new links, just let me know :)

Here are some images I'd like in the background of them.

Trailer 1: http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/462/trailer1cp4.png
Trailer 2: http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6908/trailer2os3.png
Trailer 3: http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6908/trailer2os3.png

Thanks a lot. You're saving my @$$.
Apparently I can't transcode Divx with the tools I have, and my Flash encoder won't accept them. I've never been a Divx guy, so I haven't kept up with it. It also looks like I'll be working all day, Saturday. I was hoping to get this done tonight, but VLC is the only thing that I have that will play your trailers, and it won't convert them to Quicktime. Sorry, guy. I don't have the time to figure this out.

p.s. Was there a reason you wanted Flash, rather than a Quicktime progressive download, or something similar, that you could do with free or cheap tools?
Flash just seems to go quicker, at least I think.

would you like me to send them to you in another format or do you not have the time. I undestand if you don't.
I'm just running in and out now, but I'll be back in my office later today. All I can say is I'll give it a shot, because this weekend is turning out to be rather busy, and next week is off limits, for sure.

Quicktime is my native format, but I think I can convert WMV ... I don't have time to verify that, but it seems to me I did convert WMV not too long ago. Time is definitely at a premium right now. However, if I can do something quick, I'll give it a shot.
p.s. Flash video may seem quicker, but that's because most of it is encoded at pretty poor quality. You never get something for nothing. I presumed you wanted a pretty high level of quality, or you'd be using YouTube or Myspace.
I'm now officially out of time. I'm not going to be at my computer the rest of the day and I'll be attending a symphony tonight. Monday will be the first business day of March, which means a lot of administrivia and phone calls for me. I'm sure the week will go downhill from there.

If you're still hanging around here, I'd recommend you consider Quicktime Pro for $29.99US to encode your video for progressive download. The MP4 format is an industry standard ... at least if was until Microsoft abandoned it. In any case, MP4 can be played by RealPlayer, Quicktime, and probably others. Most importantly, it's much less expensive to encode and requires only simple HTML to embed. Flash is not a bad choice, and nearly everyone can play it, but it's not generally used for trailers, because the quality is not as good as H.264.

You may even be able to embed your Divx movies, but I really know very little about Divx. Personally, I'd stay away from Windows Media, because Microsoft doesn't play well with others, and I try to resist their hegemony. You can let your own conscience be your guide there.

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