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watch Flat?

The acting is good, the shots are good. Yet, it just seems flat. What's the problem you see?

It's not suppose to be a big dramatic scene. But, there's something missing.

This is a rough cut, and the sound is not perfect, but fairly level.

The Set-Up: George is rehearsing and playing with the XL-1 the night before he's holding auditions for his horror movie. Johnny is going to be his cinematographer.

Look at the room, so please don't say it's the camera angles. We are limited.

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I can point out a heap on why you feel it's flat.

But, will only give you one pointer: audio.

Aside from an audio overhaul, get ambiance or some music in there and you'll change your mind.

It won't fix the fundamental "issues", but it'll probably make it a little more palatable.
Hi, George -

Yeah, the acting is good.
The shots could be a little more... dynamic.
And then there's the lighting, but I don't know if you want the scene to be this "narrow" in the brightness or contrast range.

Back to the shots - and - considering the limited size of the area/space to work in.
What you have is a simple two shot conversation in a fixed space.
Last night I saw some of GRAN TORINO on broadcast TV.
There's a two shot in a fixed space when the Eastwood and Vang are blabbin' in the garage; also not a big dramatic scene.
IMHO, I think would be great to break down that sequence and rip off as many ideas as you can.

Additionally, I think you should get either get the camera off the tripod - or - at least pan and tilt a little to give some takes some dynamic "life" from the POV of the viewer.


I think your perception of "flatness" might be a result of some unrelated problems.

Taken cumulatively, the audio (which is a little echoey), the lighting (which doesn't separate the actors from the background), the cinematography (I don't think your cuts are motivated enough) and the depth of field (everything is in focus) give the impression of "flatness."

But at least the acting is good! That's a lot better than half the short films one finds on youtube.