Hey guys, thanks for answering and relieved that my shots aren't ruined. I do not have any soft ware at the moment which sucks because I really want to edit what I have shot so far. Is this feature in a lot of soft wares? what would you guys recommend?
Yeah, it's pretty much standard. Sony has some very budget-friendly introductory-level software. And actually, if you wanted to use the best that is available, you can now subscribe to Adobe Premiere for just one month. How rad is that?
I haven't looked too much into adobes new system (still on CS5), but don't you need commit to subscribe for a year? So if you only make one film a year, and are only editing for one month, you have to pay a full years subscription anyway? If not, this makes me a lot more interested in the new adobe... (I am a student, I don't want to be paying for something I'm only using for a quarter - or less - of the year)