Fixing Crooked shots

I have a few Crooked shots in my film, is there a way to fix it at all? what editing soft ware would do this? I can only find tutorials on photos and not video.
I have to do this all the time. Just as cp said, rotate and scale to fill the corners. You can even animate the frame motion if the camera goes wonky over the course of a pan due to an un-leveled tripod.
Hey guys, thanks for answering and relieved that my shots aren't ruined. I do not have any soft ware at the moment which sucks because I really want to edit what I have shot so far. Is this feature in a lot of soft wares? what would you guys recommend?
Hey guys, thanks for answering and relieved that my shots aren't ruined. I do not have any soft ware at the moment which sucks because I really want to edit what I have shot so far. Is this feature in a lot of soft wares? what would you guys recommend?

Yeah, it's pretty much standard. Sony has some very budget-friendly introductory-level software. And actually, if you wanted to use the best that is available, you can now subscribe to Adobe Premiere for just one month. How rad is that?
Yeah, it's pretty much standard. Sony has some very budget-friendly introductory-level software. And actually, if you wanted to use the best that is available, you can now subscribe to Adobe Premiere for just one month. How rad is that?

I haven't looked too much into adobes new system (still on CS5), but don't you need commit to subscribe for a year? So if you only make one film a year, and are only editing for one month, you have to pay a full years subscription anyway? If not, this makes me a lot more interested in the new adobe... (I am a student, I don't want to be paying for something I'm only using for a quarter - or less - of the year)
I haven't looked too much into adobes new system (still on CS5), but don't you need commit to subscribe for a year? So if you only make one film a year, and are only editing for one month, you have to pay a full years subscription anyway? If not, this makes me a lot more interested in the new adobe... (I am a student, I don't want to be paying for something I'm only using for a quarter - or less - of the year)

I've only begun learning about the new Creative Cloud, myself (though I find myself to be one of the few people who actually is excited about it). Anyway, I'm not 100% sure about this, but I was under the impression that you can subscribe to one single piece of software, instead of the entire suite, for one single month, for $20. I'm afraid I'm too distracted by other stuff, at this very moment, to properly research it. I'm sure their website will answer this question, I just can't personally check it out right now.